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MQ3 Sensor - $7.99
Steering Wheel - $13.74
If we were able to mass-produce this product, the LED and button would not be provided for free and therefore cost more:
LED: $5.65

Our project will cost $50. The materials to create the project add up to $30. Then it will be $15 for the installation. If our product malfunctions or breaks, it can be taken in and fixed. Depending on the extent of the damage, the price will fluctuate from 10-30$. This would be a one time fee, so once you pay, you permanently have the device for good, and no monthly fees are added. In the future, we hope to have our product on the market. Hopefully, we will be able to have these installed into cars, so when a person purchases a car they won’t have to worry about installation.

Costs: Text
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